The adventist church was always unclear about the celebration of christmas. It was considered a pagan holiday, along with easter and halloween. (i have never liked the grotesque displays on Halloween). but now adventist churches are putting up christmas wreaths and nativity sets... so has the church lost its doctrine?
It is difficult enough for gay adventists. i understand it is bad for queer refugees from other faiths as well, but there is very little in resources for gay adventists. the focus seems to be on evangelical traditions, mormons, and muslims whom all meet fates worse than death. GLBT adventists seem to be such a small community within this wave of people that finding each other is enough of a challenge. i am currently anxiously awaiting for the premier of the new documentary "Seventh-GAY Adventists" which i will purchase and hold screenings of... it talks about the things i miss... like camporee, socials, special k loaf and HAYSTACKS...
Christmas seems to make me feel alone, like i have lost half of my soul. no surprise, i am the disappointment child. i left the church and i still get the harassment from former church people when i see them on the street. or now at school!!! I fear going back for a visit because i know it will involve either a fellowship or an exorcism...
its really a hard time of year for me...