Friday, May 6, 2011

The Rainbow Times | The Freshest LGBT News in New England

I was asked by my doctor to speak at the Fenway Men's Event 2011.
It was really scary, but i am still getting emails from people who want me to take part in projects and so on.
plus i was the only Person of Colour in a kilt!

Gay BBQing and powertripping

So, what's the biggest buzz kill at a queer barbecue... nope. not a missionary, for me its a health inspector.
My school had our year-end barbecue, and while rain and wind persisted, the one biggest annoyance, other than having to pick up and cook 90% of the food single-handedly (these gays were so flaky, it makes puff pastry look bad!), was dealing with the girlfriend/ health inspector that turned innocent-well controlled fun into a nightmare.
I mean, i do have everything under control when it came to food. our designated driver literally just dropped of everything and i was waiting for people to come back from putting things away, when the food inspector/ girlfriend and my friend come out of nowhere and suddenly go on a tirade about how leaving out food (like raw brats that i was ready to grill then cook in broth so they would be ready in time) and telling me to put it away.

Why did I listen-
1) Food Safety is NO joke-no arguements there
2) I was afraid if i didnt comply she would tell people that the food was no good and pull crap like that...and she probably would. and then who would eat the food?

i was planning on starting at 1:30 as it would take an hour for the sausages to simmer and poach so they would be fully cooked by the time the event began. however, she complained that i should put out the BBQ and start everything again at 3 when the event would begin...

Anyone who is even a half decent host knows that food that takes longer should be begun earlier so that guests aren't waiting.
what ends up happening is having a bunch of starving, drooling people waiting for the meat to be finished because she cant let me do my damn job and has to raise a big stink about the whole thing. The issue isn't Barbecue, its power trips in the Queer Community.

Gay Power trips are something that is a part of my life, between volunteering with youth organizations and Queer Programs where they breed and inbreed. To universities where the people on the power trips run the show.

the only defense against a power trip is respect and rapport; having the respect and admiration of your colleagues and peers. The difference is that people on power trips will use fear, intimidation, coercion, blackmail...and the nasty little dirty tactics. while effective, once your reign of terror is over, you are already discredited by your peers.

I know this all to well where with one of my youth groups is under the dictatorship of a tyrannical co-chair. she uses every card in the deck. it is true that women in the African-American community and the People of Colour communities around the world face discrimination. it is not a reason or justification for using the race card for everything.

Example: Following an event, in which the youth involved were working all day. following the event a few of the exhausted volunteers are enjoying an innocent smoke break before heading in to clean up the hall.

Out comes co-chair yelling at them to clean up. they tell her they will be in momentarily. 2 minutes later she comes back and starts yelling at them. One man calmly answers that they will be in in soon and tells her to "chill".

less than 30 seconds later, she and a director appear. the director whispers into the young man's ear "you are a white male, she is a black female, she is YOUR superior in that sense. just do what she says."

I'm 1/2 African, 1/2 Asian. In my 5+ years with this organization i have never used the race card. and have even abhorred its use. because the staff of this organization are all white, there is a level of fear of being sued.

Mind you, the same person told a few trans members that they "aren't trans enough" to run the organization's transgender outreach program. Now how does a Biologically female and female identified (and when asked on the subject, she indicated she does not identify with the trans community) decide who gets to identify as what.

Really? i thought as a community we could be better than the hetero-normalist community and show what a real democracy is like. This isn't human nature, it cultured savagery!
No one likes a dirty politician. so why should GLBT people deal with it in our community! it cliché but true, A people united can never be defeated.